
Posts Tagged ‘wheat’

So often details for the men in the wedding party are overlooked. But a boutonniere will be in every picture the groom is in so why not make it just as personal and unique as the brides bouquet? After looking around these are some of our favorite non-traditional takes on boutonnieres:

First of all don’t think you are stuck with flowers.  Boutonnieres can be made from colorful felt, feathers, fabric pinwheels, yarn, buttons or a combination of many materials for a mixed media look!

Get creative with totally fresh ideas. The film flower is perfect for a photographer and the guitar would be great for the music lover and party horns (what!?! – we love this) would be pure perfection for a New Years Eve wedding! Other cool ideas were wheat, pinwheels, cotton, shells and one that even looks like an award ribbon (appropriate for most grooms we think!)

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